Today things seem to be going relatively smoothly, certainly a vast improvement over the last four years of maladministration. Yet we must consider what it to come tomorrow, will America march forth into greatness or will it be swallowed by the deep state yet again?
The answer to this question lies in one variable, who is the next POTUS going to be? This is not simply a democrat vs republican question either. The next president will have to be some sort of alpha male, even if he is more the JFK style than the Trump one.
As for why that is it simple, America is going down the same road as the eastern half of the Roman empire did. We are essentially destined to become the neo-byzantium of the forthcoming age. While this is a great improvement over collapse it does bring with it a few problems in of itself.
For those who do not know there history here is the long and short of the Byzantine empire and its two core problems.
Toxic government: The Byzantines were never able to kick out the toxic patterns that had come to the for in Rome’s second and third centuries (A.D). These patterns were constant intrigue, frequent civil wars, and governmental corruption at all levels.
Everything depends on one guy: While outside factors (such as plagues and Islam) did have an impact on Byzantine history the greatest impact came from its rulers. To be a successful emperor of the Eastern Romans one had to be either the alpha of alpha males or the most conniving, backstabbing son of a bitch to ever live (and frequently they were both). The reason for this dependency being that only the strong and/or cunning could successfully bend Byzantium’s bureaucracy and military to their will.
Both of these problems are something that only a Trump (or a Putin or a Xi) can contend with and succeed. Gone are the days where America could survive a couple of bad to mediocre presidents in a row. For our nation to thrive and prosper a strong and ruthless executive must helm it.
This returns us to the title of the post, can the succession problem be solved? Can we avoid a democrat or a cuckservative taking the helm after Trump departs? I hope so, but I am not really optimistic. Vance couldn’t even handle the smelly, green, and Jewish goblin of Kiev. RFK could do well but his age may work against him.
Trump’s eldest, Donald Trump Jr. has shown some involvement in politics but he has stated nothing definitive about running for presidency. If he were to run though he would be the strongest candidate that could be fielded simply because of brand name and daddy stumping for him.
One other plausible contender for the throne exists in the form of Ron DeSantis, the timing would be convenient for him. He will not be able to run for governor of Florida again after his current term expires. He has great support within Florida as well, likely ensuring that he wins the state by default is a presidential race.
As for the best of the three I would have to say its junior, simply because the stars are the most aligned for him. After him its a tossup between the other two, RFK could likely be our Biden in the sense that he would be a caretaker doing one term. He would still be a great president mind you, but age will be an issue with him running twice.
DeSantis is a bit more youthful, has proven to be a highly capable governor, and has excellent political cache. His issue will be that while he will be good president, not a great one. Just looking at him I sense that he may not have the sheer force of will or ruthless cunning to bend the government to his will.
On a final note I know many of you are saying, but Trump will break the federal government! The reality is he will not, he may torture it, he may reforge it in his own image, but he will not destroy it completely. Even assuming he performs a complete purge and installs loyalists going all the way down the federal government will still exist.
The deep state will eventually return in some other form or incarnation, this is not a bug but rather a feature of all bureaucracies. To successfully get the government to function will require a man who can by hook or crook make it do what he wants. Anything less will result in stagnation at best and failure at worst.
Excellent though I think Vance has potential..