Practical Racial Politics for Whites
It is time to consider something that White Americans have historically sucked at, racial politics for our own benefit. This area is vitally important to master given our present day demographic circumstances. Even assuming that thirty million illegal aliens are deported within the Trump presidency (a very tall order) we are still on a collision course for minority status.
So how exactly do we play the game of racial politics and win? First we must understand who the main players in the game are. The big players are whites, hispanics, and blacks in that order of importance. Asians, pacific islanders, and Native Americans are small fries that only matter in a few areas.
With the main players mapped out we must now go over their various likes, dislikes, habits and so forth. Without this knowledge we cannot understand them (or ourselves for that matter), let alone exploit them.
Whites: I am definitely white and I am willing to bet the majority of my readers are as well. While we tend to have a high racial IQ, low crime rates, and better prospects in life we are not a monolith. We are prone to interracial warfare among ourselves that is rooted around ideology. This makes us an outlier compared to most racial groups.
Whereas other races will fight along racial or ethnic lines we tend to go to (civil)war over ideas. This leaves us uniquely vulnerable to conflict with our other races and ethnic groups. We are rather akin to the Native Americans encountering old world disease, our immune system is simply not up to the task.
Hispanics: A difficult group to categorize, the closest analogue in previous immigrant populations are the Italians and Greeks. Even that comparison is rough, not quite capturing what exactly they are. The answer to the riddle lies in a factor that neither the Greeks nor the Italians shared.
The hispanic homeland is close by, very close by. Once a Southern European landed on America’s shore that was often the last bit of traveling they would engage in. The lack of ability to easily return to the homeland meant that assimilation into the USA was an inevitability.
For hispanics (Mexicans and Central Americans in particular) the homeland is either a short plane trip or even a short drive away. Many of them live smack on the border between the USA and Mexico, creating a population that is “too Mexican for the USA and too American for Mexico”. That is simply for “old timer” hispanics, with newcomers being almost entirely alien despite the passing of generations.
As for what can be said about hispanic intelligence that is again difficult to say. The reason being that hispanic is as much a cultural category as a racial one. While many are “mestizos” (mixed Southern European and Native American) quite a few are as white (looking) as you or I. They even have naturally occurring blondes with blue eyes running around.
Yet even these “fellow whites” are drastically different from us, the mindset is just different even if the IQ is equal. The reason for that being that even a white hispanic is at heart a hispanic, a person who traces their heritage back to Spain. The Spanish way of thinking is fundamentally different from Northern European ways. This is neither good nor bad, it simply is and you must accept it on its own terms.
Where things to tend to become a bit more clear-cut is hispanic race relations with the other two groups. With whites hispanics are fairly opportunistic, capable of both making war against or common cause with whites. We can see this clearly in the election of Donald Trump, the average hispanic man (and many women) saw something in him that they liked.
With blacks, however, their if profound racial animus. Owing to blacks and hispanics often competing for the same jobs, resources, housing, and so forth neither group likes the other. This dislike can be enough to trigger political defection in hispanics, given you the phenomena of Mexicans for Trump.
A final note on hispanics is the difference between the old-timers and newcomers. Many border states in the USA have their very own hispanic “founding stock” that have been there since before the USA absorbed those territories. While similar to the newcomers in some respects they are different.
They tend to be less pro-immigration, less likely to side with other hispanics, and slightly more functional. They are basically the long term result of Mexicans undergoing Americanization, producing a group that doesn’t neatly fit into either the USA or Mexico.
Blacks: The easiest race in the USA to comprehend, blacks are to an overwhelming majority low IQ, low impulse control, and criminally inclined. They are also deeply hostile to anything that isn’t black (or even “not black enough”). They are the stalwarts of the democratic party for one reason, they can always be counted on to vote along racial lines.
With all that said and done what are the practical possibilities? First is that while hispanics cannot be in any way, shape, or form considered stable allies of whites they can be counted on to dislike blacks. This means so long as blacks are on the doorstep they can be leveraged against them.
Secondly that it behooves us to paint the democrat party as the party of the negro. This naturally disinclines the hispanic towards the donkey, causing their vote to be less of a factor against us. This disdain for the negro can also lead to another positive effect, driving them out.
As Taki noted on his site ( the hispanics drove the blacks out of Los Angeles, much to the relief of whites in the city. While more dysfunctional and crime prone than whites the average hispanic looks like a choir boy compared to the negro.
Thirdly we must consider what the possible outcomes of white and hispanic interaction are. Going back to California we see a clear pattern of racial enclaves, with rich whites and Asians cutting themselves off from the hispanic and poor white masses. Moving eastward to Arizona we see a different pattern, one of considerable racial mixing.
Why the two different extremes? If I had to take an educated guess I would say less stratification to begin with. Simply put California is rich and has been rich for a long, long time. Arizona by contrast is fairly up and coming, only coming onto the radar recently. This means less rich people capable of enclaving.
What happens when you put a bunch of brown skinned hispanic girls (whose culture tells them that white skin is pretty) in range of accessible white boys? As it turns out a lot of interbreeding. This perfect storm of factors is compounded by white women becoming more and more picky. Does Tom want to date the cold, no fun Jessica or the warm and eager Carmen?
This I suspect will be the broader pattern for white and hispanic interactions across the USA. If the whites can enclave they will and will remain apart from the hispanics. If they can’t enclave then we will start to see more intermixing between the two. Or we will see mass violence between the two for that matter, that outcome is thankfully rare.
This all does lead to one final consideration, what will be the final outcome of all this? Will the USA continue to be an Anglo-Saxon nation with foreign elements or will we succumb to Latinization?