Plug your ears, listen not to the call of overseas adventurism
Among the greatest dangers the USA faces now are the twin hotspots of doom, Taiwan and the middle-east. Why are these so dangerous to our national wellbeing? Because a bunch of neocon Trotskyites are hungering for their “blood fix”, which can only be satisfied with our blood.
With Ukraine basically doomed to die like a whimpering bitch that means we should expect either Taiwan or the middle-east to become hotspots. It could even be both given the vampiric nature of the neocons. But besides wasting our blood and treasure for the Trotskyite filth what are the other reasons to avoid those areas?
Number one: They are not inside the Americas
Simply put if a territory is not inside the Americas (or our half of the pacific pond) it should not matter to us one wit. The fact that both territories mentioned do matter is our fuckup. We should never have allowed our computer chip industry to be displaced by the Taiwan one. We should never have become dependent on middle-eastern oil given our own ample reserves.
Yes it will suck but we can fix both of those problems simply by investing in the USA. It may be hard but its worth it to look at the TV, see the latest incident in Satan’s Sandbox and shrug our shoulders. Say it with me, MAIA! Make America Independent Again!
Number two: They will distract us from performing the great purge
Every drop of blood and roll of pennies spent on overseas wars is something that could have been devoted to purging our own lands of deep state filth. Realize that not does foreign conflict give the neocons their blood fix, it also helps them hide from us. This cannot stand, the purge must continue until every Trotskyite joins their founder in hell.
Number three: Why should our boys die for effing foreigners?
Yes, why the fuck should they die? Why do we care about a bunch of Semites in the middle-east trying to outdo each other in the genocide games? Why do we care about the the Chinese taking over the island right next door to them? I assure you, the average American does not give a damn about either one of those places. So why the hell are we over there?
Wrapping this up it is my dearest hope that Trump’s naturally isolationist instincts will come to the fore. What he has done to Ukraine he should also do to the middle-east and Taiwan. They simply are not worth the cost of holding them, particularly when we can make everything they make (or drill for) right here in the USA.