Civil War Among the Elites
When we examine Trump’s political resurrection we must ask ourselves one question, “how?”
The answer to this question lies in a fracture within the ruling elites of the USA, a civil war if you will. The new bloods, the tech titans are seeking to get out from under the thumb of the old lords. The old lords being a conglomerate of wealthy bankers, Trotskyite neocons, political puppets, and other assorted scum.
The key to Trump’s resurgence is that the tech titans were able to provide him with a relatively stable platform. Musk gave him both heavy financing and free reign on twitter. Both Peter Thiel and Jeff Bezos threw their weight behind him, giving others cause to consider him.
While the Don’s return to office is much appreciated we must recognize that the tech titans are not our friends. Their actions are those of parasites who understand that the host (the USA) is useless if its dead. This is the primary reason for their backing of Trump.
By weakening (and eventually eliminating, I hope) the old lords the American whale is relieved from many worms. This allows the remaining bloodsuckers to drink their fill without worry. While these actions do benefit us they are not made with that end in mind.
The old money will not consider an action if it has even a remote chance of benefitting the plebs. By contrast the new money will consider any action that benefits their interests, regardless of the effect on the citizenry. This is clearly seen with Elon Musk who both supports quashing the deep state and importing aliens to replace us.
We must keep a wary eye in this deep state civil war and understand that neither actor is good. One is simply less evil than the other. As for where Trump stands in this morass the answer has yet to be revealed. Only when we see his actions with regards to attacking (or staying out of) the middle-east will we have his true measure.
Never forget, both sides of the deep state unrest are heavily financed (if not controlled) by Israel and the Jewish Diaspora. Much like with congress the tribe has a finger in every pie, it remains to be seen if they have a firm grasp on the Don. One can only hope given Jared Kushner’s baleful advice and treachery in Trump’s first term will be remembered by the Orange Man…